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About the Professor

Associate Professor of Faculty of Policy Management and Member of Graduate school of Media and Governance, Keio University
Ph.D. (Public Administration)

Born in 1977 and spent his childhood in Ibaraki Pref. in Japan. When he was an officer of the MInistry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, he decided to study again. After working for a consulting company, he entered Maxwell School and got an MPA. While working at the Embassy of Japan in Uganda, he took entrance examinations of graduate schools. He entered Rutgers University and took a Ph.D. in 2016. After serving as an assistant professor of International University of Japan, he is now an associate professor of Keio SFC from 2021.
HIs areas of expertise are Local Governance, Behavioral Public Administration, Public Management, and Research Methodology. He studies with an international viewpoint as can be seen from his single author paper, which was published in Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, the top journal of Public Administration for the first time as a Japanese.

担当教員 篠原舟吾


Bad government performance and citizens' perceptions: A quasi-experimental study of local fiscal crisis

Shinohara, Shugo. (2023). Bad government performance and citizens' perceptions: A quasi-experimental study of local fiscal crisis. International Review of Administrative Sciences.

Methodological rigor and pluralistic coexistence in public administration

Shinohara, Shugo, Kobayashi, Yuta, and Shiratori, Koichi (2021) "Strict methodology and pluralistic coexistence in public administration studies." Annual Report of Administrative Studies 56. 145-164.

Using Large-Scale Social Media Experiments in Public Administration: Assessing Charitable Consequences of Government Funding of Nonprofits

Jike, Sebastian, Jiahuan Lu, Chengxin Xu, and Shugo Shinohara. (2019). Using large-scale social media experiments in public administration: Assessing charitable consequences of government funding of nonprofits. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 29(4): 627-639.

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty under Municipal Decline: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis in Japan

Shinohara, Shugo. (2018). Exit, voice, and loyalty under municipal decline: A difference-in-differences analysis in Japan. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 28(1): 50-66. https://doi. org/10.1093/jopart/mux035

What prevents public and private workers in Japan from recognizing gender inequality?

Shinohara, Shugo, Yahong Zhang, and Norma M. Riccucci. (2018). What prevents public and private workers in Japan from recognizing gender inequality? International Review of Administrative Sciences 84(4): 711-728. https://doi. org/10.1177/0020852316660624

Trump and the Affordable Care Act: Congressional Repeal Efforts, Executive Federalism, and Program Durability

Thompson, Frank J. , Michael K. Gusmano, and Shugo Shinohara. (2018). Trump and the Affordable Care Act: Congressional repeal efforts, executive federalism, and program durability. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 396- 424.

Research Papers

Methodological development of policy management

Shinohara, Shugo (2023) "Methodology of Interdisciplinary Research" in Takeo Kuwahara and Yuichiro Shimizu (eds.), Methodological Developments in Policy Management Studies, Keio University Press

The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology

Shinohara, Shugo. (2020). The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. George Ritzer and Chris Rojek (edt.). Shushin Koyo. John Wiley & Sons

Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance

Shinohara, Shugo. (2018). Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Ali Farazmand (edt.). Gender in Japanese public administration. Springer

Shinohara, Shugo. (2016). Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Ali Farazmand (edt.). History of organizations. Springer

Public Personnel Management: Current Concerns, Future Challenges

Shinohara, Shugo. (2017). Public Personnel Management: Current Concerns, Future Challenges. Norma M. Riccucci (edt.). Paying the shadow workforce: The case of health care. Routledge


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